-If you didn't here Bow Wow recently signed to Cash Money Records. There's alot of good tracks below, but Bow takes the cake with this flow over an ole school classic. I've always thought he could go hard if he wanted to, and I think the new C-$ Millionare RIPPSS this.
-Crazzyyyy beat and flow by HOV. Top 5 DorA?
-H to tha OV
-CuDi's that dude...When that album drops in September, watttccchhh out
-BANGGERR. Luda and Gucci rippppp it
-One of the better ones I heard goin over this beat. Someone will prob top him but damn I love how he always going sooo hard on shit
-I just love this beat. TB doesn't kill it as much as Luda does but I love the beat and he is pretty smooth on it